Website Redesign Case Study: New Heights Therapeutic Riding Center

We like to give back to our community in any way we can, and we were glad to help out New Height Therapeutic Riding Center with a website re-design! We have had a long relationship with New Heights Therapy Center. Not Rocket Science has helped with updating the website for quite a few years now. When they reached out to us to re-design their website, we were excited to give it a huge re-vamp!

screen shot of new heights website home page
New Heights Therapeutic Riding Center's Homepage

The new website features updated graphics with calls to action on important pages to get people to either learn more about a program, donate, contact the facility, or volunteer.


What is New Heights Therapeutic Riding Center?

New Heights Therapeutic Riding Center is a non-profit that provides equine therapy to individuals who have physical, cognitive, and emotional difficulties and help them reach their full potential. The non-profit has a variety of different programs including adaptive riding, hippotherapy, and Veterans. New Heights is 100% donor-funded and is able to give scholarships to 70% of their riders thanks to donations and sponsorships! Funds received also go toward the care of their 13 horses.

screen shot of volunteer page
Website Tip: Break Up Text Into Chunks

Before, visitors had to search through mountains of text to find the information that they needed such as applications and setting up training appointments. Now, the information they need is at the top of the page in its own box, with more information about volunteering, at the bottom.


What is new about the website?

Better communication on the impact donors have is displayed across the website. Riders and/or their caregivers and volunteers can easily access all the information that they need on their respective pages instead of searching through paragraphs of text. While they had photos on the website, they needed to be shown on particular pages such as the donation page and thank you pages so people can see who their donation benefits. Specific pages have links to a related photo gallery album! For example, if you are on the horses' page, a banner on the bottom of the page will direct you to the horses' photo album.

screen shot of donation page
Adding More Donation Information With Text and Photos Increase Donations and Transparency

Because people are visual creatures when asking for donations, it's good practice to have thank you messages, information about how donations are used, and photos on the donation forms and confirmation pages. People then can see and read where their money is going and who or what it benefits.


A new calendar was set up so riders and event-goers can conveniently see when lessons are canceled due to a holiday or when an event is coming up. The calendar is also set up to where if New Heights Therapeutic Riding Center decides to in the future, they can have people RSVP to the events. In addition to the events, the specific event pages (Garden Party, Golf Classic, etc) used to be hidden until the specific event was coming up. Now, everyone can see what annual events benefit New Heights and information about them!

screen shot of calendar module
The Calendar Module is a Great Resource

The calendar module has a few different looks that could be chosen. New Heights wanted all the events displayed, versus having the typical calendar look. Information about events and classes is displayed here.


The team page was updated with a fresh new look. Want to learn about the horses? They have their own page now! You can read about their breed and personalities. The website update also included updated text, which is great for search engine optimization (SEO). Lastly, a NEW feature that was added in this re-vamp was Constant Contact! Now people can sign up on the website to receive periodic newsletters, which will help the communication between New Heights and the riders, donors, and more.

screen shot of horses profile page
Horses Profiles

Because donations go toward the care and maintenance of the horses, it was a great idea to include their profiles! Not only is it a great idea as animals are increasingly becoming more popular online, but riders and their caregivers can gather a sense of the personality of the horses!


Check out their website here 👉
If you think someone can benefit from their services, please show someone the New Heights Therapeutic Riding Center's website! If you are thinking about getting a website developed or wanting a facelift on your website, contact us here for an estimate.


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