Website Re-design: New Heights Therapy

Not Rocket Science has had a long partnership with New Heights Therapy Center. New Heights is a is 501(c3) nonprofit organization that helps positively impact the lives of people who have physical, cognitive, and emotional difficulties through equine therapy. We love this organization for the incredible work their staff and volunteers do and the great impact the therapy has on their clients. We were extremely proud to donate our website design, website development, re-design their old website and host it at no cost to them.

New Heights Therapy needed a website for donors, potential new clients, and potential volunteers. Not only was this an informational website, but another goal was to bring in new donors, help make donating to the organization easier, and celebrate the donors for their events. The New Heights Website was designed to have a powerful impact on visitors through images. A large slideshow plays on the home page. Important slides such as events are shown first. Underneath, little blocks of information are shown so users could read about the topics, such as about the organization and program information, and see if they would like to click to read more.

An important piece on the homepage that needed to be highlighted, was the PATH International (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International) logo. PATH International is a 501(c3) non-profit that promotes safe and effective therapeutic horseback riding throughout the United States and Canada. In order to become a Premier Accredited Center, the organization voluntarily goes through a peer-reviewed system that trains volunteers to visit and review centers in accordance with the PATH International standards.  New Heights Therapy Center is a Premier Accredited Center.

Adding statistics about the organization was a useful tool to use to quickly give website visitors some facts about New Heights, how hard the volunteers work, and how much they help their riders, and provides some transparency. Testimonials have been proven to be a useful tool and the quotes from actual riders and care providers explain to potential riders and donors how therapeutic riding has helped them, their family members, or care client. A last important piece of the home page was showing sponsors, with a link to more sponsors.

For the inner pages, all important and related information is displayed for users can find what they are looking for, such as riding packets to fill out. The Donate/Sponsor pages are one of the most important aspects of the website. New Heights Therapy needed a general donation form and forms that were specific to their fundraising events such as The Garden Party and Golf Classic. Each form had different needs, but all of them needed to be directed to PayPal for payment and return back to the website when the payment is completed or canceled.

For the general donation form, website visitors can make three different types of donations: general donation, in-kind gifts, or memorial/honorarium. For a general donation, there is a standard form including the donor's contact information and the amount to be donated. In-Kind donations have the same form, but the donations go towards services, supplies, and more. The memorial/honorarium form allows users to make a donation in honor of someone and specify who they would like notified of the donation.

New Height's two major fundraising events, The Garden Party and Golf Classic, have their own pages and donation forms as well. On the "landing' page of both event pages, information about the event such as what it benefits, the date, time, and location are laid out. There is also information on if you would like to buy tickets to the event, become a sponsor, or register, depending on what type of event. For the Garden Party, both the regular tickets and sponsor pages have different forms. The regular tickets form has the basic information that users would fill out such as contact information, the number of tickets they would like, and how they would like to receive their tickets. The price of the tickets generates at the bottom of the page. For the sponsors' page, the donor selects the level he or she would want, fill out the contact information, and the price generates at the bottom of the page. When the user selects the "donate" button, the user is redirected to PayPal with their information already filled out. If a user pays or cancels the donation, the user is brought back to the website. For the Golf Classic page, the registration form is similar to the Garden Party form in that the user just selects a sponsor level.

We were glad to partake in this joint effort with the staff in creating a website for New Heights Therapy.

new heights therapy homepage


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