Not Rocket Science Attending the Commodity Classic

Not Rocket Science is proud to announce that we will be attending the Commodity Classic in New Orleans. America's largest farmer-led, farmer-focused agricultural and educational experience is right here in our backyard this week. We will be attending to visit with customers and agribusiness partners.

We work with customers to create integrated solutions that provide Producers and Grain Originators hedging, advanced OTC contract management, offer management, customer portals, mobile and voice applications. These solutions provide the tools our customers need to keep up with today’s rapid pace of change, delivering efficient and easy-to-use interfaces to their workforce and customers. Learn more about our agribusiness services and how we will help your company with these solutions. Contact us today to get started.

We hope to see you there! Learn more about the Commodity Classic including the program and schedule, here.


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Not Rocket Science is a full services technology development firm located outside of New Orleans, Louisiana, where we help businesses reach their full potential.