Get Rid of These Things to Improve Your Website: Part 3- CONTENT

In Part 1 of our website tip series, we talked about the basics, such as stray copy in your footer and old social media logos. In Part 2, we dived into website conversion. Now we introduce you to content- the body of text on your website.


1. Vague Homepage Headlines:

Why: When a user looks on a website, they expect to know what the company is, does, and what industry they are in. When you have vague headlines on the page (this is common on the home page slide show) such as "deliver results," it leaves the user to ask questions. 

Solution: Describe what you do in the headlines on the home page. For example, instead of "deliver results," you could put "We help companies deliver higher customer satisfaction results in the customer service industry."

Vague Website Headers

Vague headlines like this don't tell website visitors enough information. What results do you deliver? What type of results?

2. Section Headers

Why: Meaningless headers such as "Special Announcements" and "Categories" don't tell the user what those really are. Categories of what? What special announcements? Are the special announcements from the company or national news?

Solution: If you can't write descriptive headers, remove them completely.

3. Long Paragraphs

Why: People want information, fast. Not separating blocks of text makes it overwhelming to read.

Solution: Paragraphs should stay about 3-4 sentences.

4. Featured Content Below the Fold

Why: A fold on a website is the content that is displayed when the page is fully loaded, before scrolling. If important content isn't prominently shown first before the user needs to scroll down, they may not look further for important content.

Solution: Please put the featured content in a "can't miss position" and make sure that any featured content is above the fold.

5. Outdated References

Why: Outdated references make your content look old.

Solution: Periodically check your content to make sure that it is current, especially if you are naming technology, which can change often.

Vimeo Video Made Private
OOPS! This video was used as a reference, but the owner made it private.

6. Heavy Acronym Use

Why: People visiting your website may not know what the acronym means.

Solution: Use simple language, especially at entry areas such as the home page. If the acronym was explained at the top of the page, then it will be ok to use it in other parts of the same page.

7. PDF Files

Why: PDF files are not SEO friendly, not disabled persons friendly, and if the file opens in the same window, it bounces people off your website.

Solution: Don't let PDF files be the main format of content on your website. Post it as an alternate format for content that is more likely to be printed or shared, such as HTML. If a PDF opens in the same window, make it open in a different tab so users aren't redirected off your website.

Thank you for reading part 3 of our helpful website series. Check out Part 4- Images and Video!


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